case studies

Athena Global School

Name Newline RS 65
Industry Education Institution
Country India
Solution Interactive Panel


Athena Global needed a more interactive and Collaborative way of teaching system to be adopted. Hence, preferred to go for Newline Interactive Panel. They were using projectors with an interactive board in which they found few difficulties like shadowing, calibration problem etc. To overcome these discomforts and to adapt to advance technology they had chosen Interactive Panel supplied by Tech Ocean.


Earlier Interactive white boards were used and replaced due to shadowing problem and they found Newline Interactive Panel to be much more efficient. The features of the panel were very interesting and useful.


Newline TRUTOUCH is installed in the classroom and they will be using it to share the content in the IPAD with the help of mirror op facility. Apart from that the panel is also used for annotating, collaborating, and on-screen recording.