case studies

Raahath Internation School

Name Newline RS 65/ 1 no
Industry Education Institution
Country India
Solution Interactive Panel


Encouraging students towards translation of experiences into powerful learning through carefully designed support Raahath had decided to integrate Newline TRUTOUCH RS65 Interactive Flat Panel Display. Earlier Projectors were used along with Writing boards. With projectors they faced difficulties during power shut downs, mean while distractions due lights from projectors and cables running across. Safety of the students was also considered important.


Newline TRUTOUCH was outstanding in terms of its technical specifications. Its in-built projection, android and windows operating system made us to choose Newline Panel.


Newline panel is used by teachers to prepare exercise and lesson planning .As a result, it saves time for the teachers, saves energy and helps to convey the lessons in a creative way. The students are also given opportunity to interact with the panels during several activities created by the teachers.